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Connecting business
innovation and strategy for a
Sustainable future


Hi, my name is Guy and I founded this company in 2012.


I have always been inspired by nature and was particularly interested in agriculture and how food was produced. Despite growing up in a largely urban setting, I made it a point to spend as much time as possible in the outdoors and even lived on a kibbutz.


Over the years I realized the critical role technology plays in enabling us to grow more food, using less resources, while increasing sustainability. This delicate balance became the focus of my attention.


My consulting career started by coincidence, but now, more than 10 years later, I am able to say, that communication and trust were the main reasons it lasted so long.


I consider my-self an advocate of simplicity in a complex world. The keys, in my experience, lie in the ability to listen, ask questions, organize relevant information, and create simple story lines which support informed business decisions.    


I want to thank you for reaching this far and hope you don’t lose interest reading what our company actually does. We offer prizes for those who make it till the end.

why Cooper Consulting and Investment
how Cooper Consulting and Investment


Cooper Consulting and Investment work with two types of customers: (1) corporate agricultural technology providers; and (2) venture investors. Corporate projects tend to be complex and usually involve a variety of stakeholder needs. Investment projects tend to be specific and shorter.


A typical project starts with a simple question: “can you help us with X?”. After a short brief, we typically send a “project scoping” offer in which we outline the target, key deliverables, timeline, required resources, and cost.


Once the project is approved, we assemble a team of domain experts, relying as much as possible on the client’s workforce. We find this to be the most effective way to create internal awareness, increase project “buy-in”, and eliminate unnecessary costs. Wherever this is not possible we will recruit team members through our international network of experts.


Upon kick-off, we assemble a core team and start working on the pre-defined work packages.  We meet on a regular basis, to monitor progress and update the plans. While the majority of the work is carried out by the core team, different stages require contributions from different core members and a flexible team size (which for example could include ad-hoc team members, “town-hall” meetings etc.).


Project duration varies widely according with complexity. A typical project could last between a couple of weeks to a couple of years. Long projects would usually include several stage gates which could terminate the project earlier.


We report our findings to the steering committee reaching the most senior level in transformational projects. Our report usually includes a strategic overview of the opportunity, competitive landscape analysis, key success factors, key transformation initiatives and the relevant financial metrics required to take the decisions. Our findings are formulated in close collaboration with the executive level to ensure proposed measures are challenging yet actionable. As part of the formal approval process, we form a detailed deployment plan which assigns priorities, responsibilities, timelines and budgets to all key initiatives.



As a boutique consultancy, Cooper Consulting and Investment operates at the intersection of innovation, commerce, and strategy. We help our clients grow their share-holder value by identifying and integrating relevant technologies which could help them grow their business and stand out.


Over the years, we have been able to help large and small customers expand their global footprint in a variety of agri-food domains including Crop Protection, Digital Agriculture, Biotech, Seed Care, Crop Nutrition and Alternative Protein...


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